SFTP Podcast — new podcast for successful women in tech

Olena Kirichok
2 min readDec 1, 2021

Our podcast with Anna Kurylo is live!🎙

SFTP podcast is a place where we want to share our experience about all things in tech. SFTP stands for Succesful, Smart Females in Tech Podcast. And our goal is to create a community of progressive and open-minded women, who do not follow stereotypes.

When Anna and I first came up with an idea, we wanted to show that to work in tech, women don’t have to follow a traditional narrative of behaving like a man, and we can create inclusive work environments instead.

We will also share our experience from working in Ukraine and the Czech Republic. As a lot of English-speaking tech content comes from the USA and the UK, whose practices are not always applicable to Central and Eastern Europe, we wanted to create an English-speaking podcast to share our vision and good practices with the world.

In our first episode, we discussed pay equity and the pay gap — a topic not widely discussed in the community, but a problem that still exists. In the “Pay gap/Pay equity” episode we talked about:

🟣 current data around the pay gap in tech,

🟣 how the pay gap impacts women’s lives, including their long-term financial well-being and mental health,

🟣 and shared our experiences with pay equity.

The episode is available on Anchor, Spotify, Google and Apple podcasts. From Anchor, you can navigate to your favorite platform.


#womenintech #podcast



Olena Kirichok

Software Engineer. Have interests about testing, microservices, data analysis. Blog: https://t.me/girlintech #StandWithUkraine https://savelife.in.ua/en